
About us

Hi and thanks for checking out our website.

We’re Kerry and José, a photographer and a graphic designer sharing our travels around Ireland. Here’s a little bit of background info on us – don’t worry we’ll keep it short… Originally from Dublin, I (Kerry) left Ireland in 2001 to travel for a year. 15 years later, I hadn’t quite made it back home yet! I was living in New Zealand and loving everything it had to offer, yet that little niggling feeling was there that maybe it was time to head back home. So at the end of 2016 I moved home and dragged José along with me. Originally from Brazil, it’s been a bit of adjustment for him but now he’s used to getting his vitamin D from a box and is slowly settling in!

Both being keen photographers, we’re eager to see as much of our beautiful country as we can and rather than leave our photos on the hard drive gathering dust, we thought we’d share our adventures and maybe even inspire others to explore what Ireland has to offer too!

Here’s what you can expect to see:

– stunning walks and hikes throughout the country
– popular attractions as well as Ireland’s hidden gems
– great spots to photograph and how to find them

We hope you enjoy our wanderings!

Kerry & José